Schedule Your Next Court Reporter Via Tablet or Smartphone





Schedule with the best in Arizona in just a few clicks!

When attorneys book a court reporting service, they expect a certain caliber of work. Their reporting professional should be among the fastest, most responsive, and most accurate in their area, certainly, but even in the nation. And while a firm may be home to the best of the best reporters, if clients have a difficult time reaching out to them, both the firm and the attorney will miss out on the booking.

At Coash & Coash, we offer clients a number of ways to get in touch– a phone call, an email, and even a fax can get you connected with our capable staff– but we fully understand that, sometimes, these methods of booking aren’t the most effective for your time. This is where our mobile-friendly, online booking engine comes in handy.

The form was specifically designed with the needs of our clients in mind. It is just as easy to navigate as it is to use. Attorneys and paralegals don’t have to play a guessing game as to which information is necessary to submit. It is laid out for them in an easily fillable format. Just fill in the necessary blanks– such as your contact information, your case information, and which service (or services) you require. In no more than five minutes, you can submit a request.

The best thing about the form is not its accessibility, however. It is the ability to access the form anywhere, at any time, that makes it such an asset. As long as you have internet connection, you can schedule a service with our Phoenix court reporters. In line for coffee? You can leave the shop with your drink in hand and a  scheduled service on your smart phone. Making dinner when you realize you forgot to book a service? No problem, our scheduling form is there 24/7. You can book with us and return to your loved ones in no time. 

At Coash & Coash, we understand how difficult the world of law can be. That is why we strive to make each step of the process as easy as possible. For more information, contact us today. 


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